Friday, January 28, 2011

Less than 35% funny

"Hey honey, what do you want to do for dinner tonight?"
"I'm in the mood for something light, let's go to Taco Bell."
Only in a bizzaro world, where people wear their shoes on their hands and hamburgers eat people would such a conversation occur. That's because people don't go to Taco Bell looking for a healthy meal. No one shows up to the drive-thru and asks if they can upgrade to grass-fed organic beef or pesticide-free tomatoes. Yet a woman in California has filed a class-action lawsuit against Taco Bell, claiming that their "beef" is less than 35% beef. Umm... duh!

The people who consume at Taco Bell know what they're getting themselves into, namely diarrhea. (For full disclosure, Calvin ate two chalupas and a hard shell taco the day before the news broke.) Perhaps this woman knows too, since she claims she is not seeking money or damages but instead just wants real beef in her food. I mean don't get me wrong, I'd love real beef in my XXL Chalupa! But it'd ruin the cheap, late night snackage that I desire. I mean where else can I get an exotic, Latin-American meal at 2 am with less than five bucks in my wallet? Good morning, fourth meal!

Wait a minute...A woman from California... is filing suit. She wants no, she must have some...I can't believe it. I know who's behind this whole scheme to ruin Taco Bell. All the signs were there. I should've known all along. We see you...

Thursday, January 27, 2011


These are precarious times, friends. We live in fear, constantly on edge, not knowing who to trust. Rest assured: you can trust us. We are on your side, fighting for your values and striving to protect you from enemies, old and new. In fact, this is why we stand before you today. We have discovered an enemy, one that you might have missed. This enemy may seem unintimidating, but she is quite frightening. This enemy delights our unsuspecting ears, but she poses a threat to our future. Do not be bamboozled!

This enemy is: Katy Perry.

We are rallying against her because of her song "Firework," which not only promotes the use of fireworks, but also the transformation of people into them. In the song, she weaves a web of manipulation, trapping the weak and disenfranchised with her dancy beat and catchy hook. Who is her target? People who have testified to feeling like "plastic bags," "houses of cards," and like they're "buried six feet under." Ones who are too low to defend themselves. For this reason, we must act NOW! Let's walk through this logically.

Fireworks are extremely dangerous. In 2008, 22,500 fires were caused by fireworks. That's $42 million worth of property damage. But that is not the greatest harm they pose to our society. Seven people died and an estimated 7,000 were treated in emergency departments for fireworks-related injuries in the United States. Even worse, 4 out of every 10 of these injuries were children under the age of 15. Worst of all, most of these injuries could have been prevented. If these are the results of USING fireworks, what will be the results when our children BECOME fireworks? Who will think of the children? Not Katy Perry, but will you? How long can you stand there as she encourages our kids to "ignite"?!
This is a grave concern! We are people, not fireworks! Join us in this fight. Print out the picture below put it in your offices, homes and cars. Tell your neighbors. Make it your facebook profile picture. Tweet this post. Do what you must! Tell them you're not going to take it anymore! It is imperative that WE stand united against this assault on this country's future.

Be Alert America! - FHS 2012

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Where do blog posts come from?

A common question people haven't asked us is where our blog posts come from. We will gladly explain: when Calvin and Jared love an idea very much, they get together and create a beautiful blog post! Here are most of our inspiration sources (in quick hits):

Source 1. Wouldn't it be funny if we wrote about....

One of us thinks something is funny. The other agrees. Print it.

Source 2. Personal experience

Wow, something funny happened in my life, people must be informed of this rare occurrence.

Source 3. Other people's experience

My life isn't funny enough, so I have to live my humor through other people.

Source 4. Reader's Suggestions

Readers ask us questions. Readers also complain. We respond with a vengence. (or in rare cases, with two vengences)

Source 5. Current events

Where would our blog be without the recession?

Source 6. Parents

Amy Chua demands the best from us.

Source 7. Deadlines

It's 2 am, let's just throw something together and hope people think it's funny.

Source 8. The Onion

Calvin has an onion that he bought from C-Mart 5 years ago.

And that's it. There really isn't much to the creative process. Inspiration comes and we write. We do what we love for our reader(s) and for humor's sake. Thank God for that onion.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I have a secret

Okay, I have to come clean. There's something that I've been hiding from all of your in the blogocube. It's really embarrassing, but I think it's time for people to know. Yes it's true, I was originally cast on the popular WB show, Dawson's Creek. I was brought on to the show initially because I accidentally walked onto the set during a filming session in Wilmington, North Carolina. Since the show's budget was so tight, they had no choice but to write me into the script.

My character's name was Ben Lee and I was the only Asian kid at Capeside High. I was actually going to be a non-stereotypical Asian boy with blond hair. In fact, a subplot written for me was that I was Joey's ex-boyfriend, but I turned it down because at the time I didn't know that Joey was actually a girl. Unfortunately, the execs later cut me out after my Christian Bale-like tirade over not having enough red M&Ms in my trailer and I never finished filming the pilot. Later on, they burned down my trailer and all footage containing me and they re-shot the pilot without me. I did manage to salvage a photo as I was escaping my burning trailer. Here is the picture if you're interested.

This was the original promo photo. (They photoshopped my hair back to black to lure in the teen Asian-American demographic.)

They actually tried bringing me back in for a few episodes to launch a spin-off called "Young Americans," but due to creative differences (I wanted to call the show "Young ABCs") and lack of red M&Ms, I left the show, this time on my own terms and they changed my character from Ben Lee to Will Krudski. So now that you all know my deepest darkest secret, I think it's time for us to play some foosball.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Breaking News: Local Person Reads Blog

January 24, 2011 - Breaking News
- FHS News

A local person turned on their computer today and after opening their internet browser, they visited a website. It was a moment that would last for at least 43 seconds. That website was, a site that is not known, but its content consists of nominally funny, quasi-relevant blog posts written by two men from the New England area.

When presented with the news that someone read their blog, Jared, who is the co-creator and COO of the blog, had this to say.
"We're incredibly excited. This is just incredible news for us. You know, we just want to be seen as a source for words and pictures. Perhaps, a picture of Rajon Rondo from time to time. We're just so glad to have this incredible opportunity to try to make someone laugh or stare blankly at a post and quickly close their browser in disgust or indifference. It's a great feeling. Now excuse me, I need to take my talents to South Beach. Incredible."
Calvin, the co-creator and proofreeder of the blarg, was unavailable for comment.

While it is unclear what the local person actually read, source close to the person said they most likely read about sports, the British Throne or the blog's largest supporter, "mom." This "mom" is not known for certain, but we have a source that says it might be the mother of Calvin and/or Jared. Other sources say, no mothers actually read their blog. Most controversially, a reliable source says that "mom" is an acronym for "Meals Ordered at McDonalds," a reference to their love of the chain restaurant.
In their most recent post, they wrote about a local person who read their blog. This local person turned on their computer, visited the blog and were met with words and potentially pictures, namely of Rajon Rondo. When asked for a comment about the blog, the local person said, "It's alright."

Details on this breaking news story will be provided as they become available.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Asian Parents

We wanted to take this snowy Friday to share a different type of post, but before we get to the heart of our post, we'd like to give you some background.

On January 8th, the Wall St. Journal ran a controversial article titled "Why Chinese Mothers are Superior" The article was written by Amy Chua, a professor at Yale Law School, and it contains the essence of her book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. In the article, Chua explains her style of raising children and how she would restrict what they could and could not do, which to "western" parents would seem outlandish. She does not have a problem seeming antithetical to western parents because she believes they are weak-willed and overly concerned for their children's self-esteem. She believes children can take much more than western parents think.

Her philosophy in raising children was to be as strict and aggressive as possible in order to force your children to be excellent at everything you desire for them. For example, in the article she shared a anecdote where her youngest daughter gave up on a very difficult piano piece. In response to this rebellion she threatens with deprivation of gifts and meals, selling her toys and telling her to "stop being lazy, cowardly, self-indulgent and pathetic."

As you can imagine, the response to this article has been great (for publicity). Opponents and proponents of this style of child-rearing have spoken up and taken their stand. Some people are declaring her the breath of fresh air declaring, "Stop spoiling your children and demand more of them!" to parents raising failing children. To others, that breath is foul as it is one that is at least promoting verbal, psychological, and potentially physical abuse of their children.

You can make up your mind by reading the article yourself, but we here at FHS are quite excited because we were able to get an exclusive interview with Amy Chua. It was not easy to find time to meet with her, but because of our excellent agent/publicist, we were able to make it happen. We contacted her and she was more than willing to give us her thoughts. The transcript of our conversation is below.

For Humor's Sake: So Amy. You've been getting a lot of attention for your book and your article in the Wall Street Journal, how has this been affecting your personal life?


FHS: ...Yes, maam.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Climbing the royal ladder

Prince William and Kate Middleton are getting married on April 29th, 2011. This is only significant to me because the media (and all of England) will be focusing all their coverage and attention on this royal wedding instead of my birthday. I guess this means Queen Elizabeth won't be coming to my birthday party...

I recently updated my bucket list (1. Eat at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant in London 2. Buy a really nice bucket) and added a new item: gaining the throne of England. After many tireless days of drawing giant family trees stemming back to the days of Adam, Eve and Cain (sorry Abel), I have determined that I am 4539780345th in line to succeed the British throne. Unfortunately for me this number grows daily because of the rules of succession.

The rules favor eldest boys and their offspring, so if you are a younger brother or any kind of sister, you're basically screwed. The only way to have any chance of moving up the line is if the next-in-line sibling dies, along with all their progeny. It's even worse as an eldest daughter with no brothers, because if the royal parents decide at any point to have a boy, she is bumped down no matter how much older she is.

So how do I plan to move up to the top of the list? One cannot simply marry their way up the line of succession. (So much for my plan to send flowers to Prince Harry.) I can't be adopted because only children born in wedlock to the royal family are added to the top of the list. Scar from the Lion King had it easy. All he had to do is betray his brother and convince his nephew to run away in guilt. I, on the other hand, have a much more daunting task ahead of me. The only thing going for me is that I'm the eldest boy in my family and my dad is the eldest boy in his family. Other than that, it seems my only hope to move up the line quickly is a potential pandemic or an ironic Hong Kong takeover of England. Until then, I can only dream of the potential titles I plan to give to my offspring as king:

The Prince of Whales
The Duke of North Carolina
The Earl of Grey Tea
The Countess of Bennigan's Monte Cristo

Maybe I'll just stick with getting a reservation at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant in London.

Update: The queen just had a new great-granddaughter. Now I'm 4539780346th on the list.

Update 2: There's talk of changing the rules so that it's not gender-discriminatory anymore. The slide down the list continues...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What could go wrong?

Now that Steve Jobs has announced his leave of absence, what will happen to Apple? Here's what we predict could happen without the Apple Commander-in-Chief:

  • They rename the company Banana
  • They allow Cydia onto the App Store
  • They start making rainbow colored products (again)
  • They develop a new Fox show called "When iPod commercial silhouettes attack"
  • They buy the New Jersey Brooklyn Nets and move them to Cupertino
  • They start disclosing exactly when their products will be released and what features to expect
  • They create and heavily market a limited edition left-handed iPhone, which comes out 9 months after the right-handed model
  • They make the iPhone completely out of lead which causes Antenna-gate 2 and Poison-gate 1
  • They begin selling iEye, a pirate-themed iSight
  • They begin releasing all future product prototypes at local bars
  • They introduce a 20-inch tablet called the iPad Maxi
  • The universe blows up

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the superest market

We've all been in this situation. You are in need of some groceries and but you don't want to go to multiple stores. on your list is bitter melon, ham hocks, meat ends, cap'n crunch, and organic toothpaste. oh and you're tight on cash so you can't spend an arm and a leg. Sounds like you right? But where can you go that has ethnic foods, rare cuts of meat, sugary cereal, and organic health care products? pssssssh shut upppp that's easy! three words:


have you guys ever been to market basket? it's the best. hands down it is the best. Sure I could go to a chinatown supermarket to get my chinese veggies, and i could get some rare cuts of meat too, but cereal? unlikely. and if its there ... check the expiration date on that box. no disrespect, but I can't trust it. And forget about getting any Tom's there. Maybe Tim's Orfanic. I love my people, but we do not love organic.

I could go to a regular shaw's type supermarket to get my toothpaste and cereal, maybe some overpriced bok choy, occasionally some ox tail if you know a butcher who can hook you up, but you're going to pay a premium for it. and forget about getting neck bones! plus nothing is more frustrating than showing up ready to buy some "fu guah" and you settle with cucumbers and some lemon juice. I know you've been there.

for this reason, market basket is the best. I can get bok choy. i can get peanut butter cup cereal 2 for $4! I can get bologna meat ends to make fried bologna sandwiches, $0.99 per pound! (the deals are bubblin' like the meat!) I can get canned soup 5 for $5! I can get ham hocks to make greens! You want table talk pies? 10 for $10! gallon of salsa? $2.99. Best of all, the crazy crowds are free! It doesn't matter what day or time, that place is ALWAYS packed! And best of all, I can everything on my list and have money left over to spend on the $0.50 toys outside of the store for the kids that I don't even have! THAT'S A SAVINGS!

So thank you, market basket, for being so awesome!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Consoling our defeat

We here at for humor's sake are all sorely disappointed at the Patriots loss and second straight early exit from the playoffs. After the game, Calvin and Jared had a deep analytical, philosophical, but not metaphysical discussion on what went wrong to figure out the answers to the questions that the game left unanswered.

Calvin: Did you ever see that movie freaky friday? in the movie jamie lee curtis and lindsay lohan are mother and daughter and as many family dramas go, they struggle for power. the frustrations escalate and at one point, they both claim that the other could never last in the other's shoes and because of this magical fortune cookie sent by some mystical chinese force comes and switches their bodies. i think this is what happened with belichick and ryan. last time they shook hands in foxboro is where it all happened.

look at the picture. something is not right. there's magic in the air. anyway, i think bill wanted rex to know what it was like to have a civilized team and rex wanted bill to understand what it was like to love his wife...'s feet.

Jared: That's crazy talk. Fortune cookies? Mythical forces? Belichick would never want to swap bodies with Sexy Rexy. A more plausible explanation would be the plot from the Parent Trap. Bill Belichick and Rex Ryan realize that they are twins after a week at summer camp. They come up with a clever plan to bring their mom and dad back together who are currently separated. I'm pretty sure that this was the conversation they were having in the post-game hug you were talking about.

Rex: Good game brother, I'm so glad Mom and Dad came together to watch us play.
Bill: It didn't matter who won the game, Mom and Dad would be so proud of us right now. Let's celebrate at Martinelli's

Wait, why are we focusing so much time on Lindsay Lohan movies?

Calvin: no way, thats a terrible idea.. hmm maybe its like that movie face off and Bill Belichick is like the good guy who wants to figure out the plan of the bad guy, Ryan. but the problem is that everyone who knows about the swap died and no one knows that they're switched! so, Bill tries to help his team by being the opposite of who he is and he decides to talk way more trash than is clearly necessary to rile up his real players. Ryan on the other hand is trying to sabotage the Pats by under-coaching and sitting welker for his backhanded feet comments about him and his wife.

Jared: Hmmm I don't think that's a cromulent proposal. I think its more like Die Hard With a Vengeance. The Patriots were told that one of the footballs had an explosive in it and they had to do various things that the terrorists told them to do to prevent the stadium from blowing up. So Brady had to throw a pick, Chung had to drop that direct snap, Crumpler had to give that ball to a fan, Graham had to hit the field goal post, Woodhead had to fumble the ball, etc. and they had to do it without anyone else knowing or else there would be mass panic, just like the movie.

Calvin: All these theories have major flaws in them. Maybe the Jets just played a better game than the Patriots.

Jared: I agree. I will never talk about feet again. (Foot-in-mouth)

"Salt in the wound" ~ Danny Woodhead

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pats vs. Jets


Hey everyone!

We just wanted to take some time to sidestep from our normal corny blog posts and talk about how we're on our toes about this game tomorrow! Its definitely going to be a good game and not the type of game in december where the pats made the jets cry hard like they jammed their toes. I honestly think it'll be much closer. Like if the last game was won by feet, this one will be won by inches. Not because the Jets are a better team, but after such a terrible defeat I can't see them getting caught on their heels so badly again, but i do think the patriots will win though.

Heres why: The jets have been talking all this trash and i think its because their afraid. They must feel like they can smell defeat, nay they must feel like they can touch defeat. They can feel it from their souls to their soles. They have to overcompensate for being so flatfooted the last time they played, so they talk big. But now that they've called the patriots names, and threatened Welker's safety, its up to them to step up and put their best foot forward. Its on them to prove if their gameplay is as nailed down as their talk. The patriots have been well prepped for a long time now and they let their game speak. They are ready.

So as the game is afoot, I am going to stand by my team and make a claim supported by their season thus far. The patriots will win And when the jets lose, they will need to heal their aching bodies and zip up their flapping gums. Either way, though, i think this will be a rivalry that will leave many players and fans calloused to the other team. But I guess thats how it is. I mean it is FOOTball.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

the shinnin 2011

all work and no play makes calvin a dull boy

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Return or Reboot?

We're back for reals.

We've officially re-signed with forhumorssake (pending physicals) and we're ready to provide entertainment to all those who crave it.

I know what you're thinking. And yes it is true, ketchup is the only English word with Chinese etymological roots (besides lychee and chocolate). But you probably also have many questions for us regarding this blog, so I present you with a FAQ that will hopefully address all your concerns.

Q: How come you guys stopped updating the blog?
A: We could joke around and say we've been busy doing a lot of random stuff. But to be honest, we've both been really busy doing normal things. One of us has been at seminary this past year. One of us has been busy planning a marriage. One of us has been seeking the throne of England. So as you can see, we've both been really busy.

Q: With your year long break, have you guys gotten funnier?
A: No.

Q: How often will you guys update?
A: Whenever a child cries or a dove whispers, we will not be updating. New blog posts will come every time we press "Publish Post".

Q: Is this a return or a reboot?
A: If things turn out bad, it's a return. If things turn out good, it's a reboot. (see Batman Returns vs. Batman Begins)

Q: How do we know you're not going to be dedicated to this blog for 2 months straight and then stop writing it because you've run out of ideas?
A: You don't and isn't that the greatest mystery of all? Or maybe it was Ephesians 5:32.

Q: Do you both like ice cream?
Q: Who doesn't?

Q: Is this one of those filler posts to keep the readers happy?
A: Maaybe.

Q: Are you going to abruptly end this post?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

NFL Playoff Predictions

We both filled out our picks for the NFL playoffs. Since both of us picked the Patriots to win it all, we needed a more objective predictor. Hence, we had a coin (named Paul) choose the winners as well.

Note: Tails for higher seeded team, Heads for lower seeded team

Calvin Jared Coin (Paul)
AFC Wild Card
Jets over Colts
Ravens over Chiefs
Colts over Jets
Ravens over Chiefs
Jets over Colts
Chiefs over Ravens
NFC Wild Card Eagles over Packers
Saints over Seahawks
Packers over Eagles
Saints over Seahawks
Packers over Eagles
Seahawks over Saints
AFC Divisionals
Patriots over Jets
Steelers over Ravens
Patriots over Ravens
Steelers over Colts
Patriots over Jets
Chiefs over Steelers
NFC Divisionals Falcons over Saints
Eagles over Bears
Falcons over Packers
Saints over Bears
Packers over Falcons
Bears over Seahawks
AFC Conference Championships Patriots over Steelers Patriots over Steelers Chiefs over Patriots
NFC Conference Championships Falcons over Eagles Saints over Falcons Bears over Packers
Super Bowl Patriots over Falcons Patriots over Saints The game gets stuck in overtime because neither team can score.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Bulletin Board Material


Nobody blogs like me. I know Jared thinks he does and all that stuff. I think there's probably a little more help from mom with Jared than there is with me.