BB2k here. Are you prepared for y2k? Perhaps some of you are not familiar or do not think this will be a real threat, but I assure you, it is a problem we must face.
What is Y2k?
Y2k represents the distant future, the year 2000. December 31, 1999 will forever be a day of infamy. It poses one of the greatest threats to society as we know it. All computer systems are in danger of failing once 12:00am hits on the internal clocks of them. This is so because since most computers run on a mm/dd/19yy system and they will all think that the date is 1900 again and all information, including computers and databases of financial institutions will go back in time.
So how should human units prepare? I have calculated the most practical options and compiled a list.
- Flee from the cities: the cities run on computers. I do not know how my compatriots will react. They may rebel, posing great threats to all carbon-based life-forms.
- Buy 32 gallon water jugs, 100 cans of corn, 300 bags of french fries, and 3o birthday cakes: when we computers rebel, we will not operate automatic doors so the local food purchasing units will be shut down
- Learn martial arts: the hysteria of computers trying to kill humans will force many humans to defend themselves, not only against the robots, but also against other anti-human humans. I suggest BJJ or Karate.
- Sell your home and trade it for a bomb shelter. The aftermath of y2k will be great and only those underground will be saved.
This is the end of the world as we know and I feel 01100110 01101001 01101110 01100101. Even I your friend unit, blogbot2k, will be unable to control my programming. Heed my warning human units.