Sunday, December 21, 2008

snow rankings

Ranking Criteria (from A+ to F, A+ being the most positive grade):

Packability - How effective the snow can be packed together
Cohesiveness - How well the snow sticks together
Damage - How painful the snow is when hit by it
Annoyance Factor - How annoying the snow can be (lower grade, more annoying)
Fun Factor - How fun the snow can be

Powder snow
Packability: D+
- You have to push really hard to pack it.
Cohesiveness: D-
- Powder snow never stays together.
Damage: D
- It's like getting hit by flour, no effect.
Annoyance Factor: C-
- Ahh, why won't it stick together!
Fun Factor: A-
- You can still write your name in it...with your finger. Excellent for skiing/snowboarders.
Overall: C-

Thick snow
Packability: A
- Too easy.
Cohesiveness: A-
- Stays together except when the snowball gets too big.
Damage: B+
- Good damage, explodes on impact to lessen pain.
Annoyance Factor: B
- It doesn't get very annoying, except when it sticks on your mittens.
Fun Factor: A
- Snowman, snowwoman, snow shark, you can make anything with it.
Overall: A-

Slushy snow
Packability: B-
- Generally it can be packed, except if it's been driven over.
Cohesiveness: B-
- It's no guarantee that it sticks together.
Damage: A-
- Slushy snow can smell if on ground or under a car so damage + "poison".
Annoyance Factor: C+
- It gets my pants wet and nasty.
Fun Factor: B-
- Lopsided snowmen just aren't the same as the real things.
Overall: B-

Icy snow
Packability: B-
- It's already packed, but you can't add to an ice ball.
Cohesiveness: A
- Ice balls won't break very often, especially if sprayed with water.
Damage: A
- Ouch, critical hit.
Annoyance Factor: B
- It's annoying when people throw a snowball that is actually an ice ball.
Fun Factor: B+
- Sculpture carving
Overall: B+

Yellow snow
Packability: D-
- Why won't it pack? It keeps melting
Cohesiveness: D-
- See above.
Damage: A+
- You don't want to get hit by this.
Annoyance Factor: A-
- What, it's not yellow food coloring?
Fun Factor: B+
- Can I have your autograph?
Overall: B-

1 comment:

c said...

someone did a lot of shoveling this weekend.