Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Not-Really-All-That-Lazy Song

Bruno Mars is a liar. In his song, "The Lazy Song," he claims that he's not going to do anything. Really, Bruno (or should I say, Peter Gene?) How lazy is he really? Here are things he admits he will do on his "lazy" day.
  1. Dougie - ok so its not the world's most difficult dance to learn, but honestly...there are lazier songs to learn.
  2. p90x - ok seriously, p90x is one of the hardest workouts out there. This does not qualify for not doing anything. I don't care how strong you are. The lazier thing to do would be to pee 90 times.
  3. the lazy song - he wrote a song about being lazy. there is nothing lazy about writing a song. rhyming words, writing lyrics, strumming a guitar, singing, whistling. These are all things that require work. He should just be lazy rather than singing about it.
Bruno, stick to catching grenades and leave the laziness to the real geniuses.


mikey said...

how many days would it take to pee 90 times....

Jared said...

30 days

christina said...

sounds like an experiment.

mikey said...

sounds more like a race to me... I can do it in 25.

Jeff said...

that sounds like a challenge... i'll do it in 20.

Anonymous said...

well to be fair, he said he'd do p90x *tomorrow*...