1. Our blog began because God said, "Let there be blog."
2. Our blog actually began because one of us said, "what if we shared a blog?"
3. Our original blog concept was based off the restaurant Sibling Rivalry.
4. At one point, our pilot blog was calvinandjaredunited.blogspot.com because Calvin made a typo.
5. Jared still has to write a post on Morgan Freeman to counteract this.
6. Calvin and Jared usually don't tell each other when they post. They find out when they check the blog.
7. Last December, we were going to have a special blog theme month, but we ended up not doing it. What was theme? Maybe we'll do it in the future...
8. We occasionally get letters from the future.
9. Jared brings up Calvin Johnson as often as he can in the blog in order to attract the attention of all fantasy football owners who own the player (specifically Ian).
10. For our 2008 awards, most of the award winners were decided before the actual awards they won were created.
11. We like to link other blogs.
12. We change our background color based on the season or how we are feeling.
13. Poop is the color of brown.
14. Our first posts were probably our most creative and funniest. It's only gone down from there.
15. Our deepest thought was this.
16. Our most political post was this.
17. On days we don't shower we write our best material.
18. Our blog is so good, cuz it's so hood...
19. What the heck is this?
20. You would think there's a link here. But there isn't.
21. If any of our posts gets over 30 comments, a bonus blog entry will be posted.
22. Whenever we have a double post, Calvin always posts first. Age before beauty? More like, Calvin is less lazy.
23. Our blog boldly predicts that the world will end at some point in the future.
24. As much as we love to make fun of it, we
25. We plagiarize most of our blog ideas.