This award is given to the person that best exemplifies providing salvation to all of humanity.
Winner: [For the 2008th year in a row] Jesus Christ
Third Man Award
In football there is the 12th man. In basketball there is the 6th man. Their role is to support from the sidelines. Maybe they don't make the big plays, but theyre always there. keeping you going even when you feel like giving up. For our blog, there was one clear winner for the silent, yet strong partner.
Winner: The 2008 Presidential Election
2 Legit 2 Quit award
This was a hard award to give out. MC Hammer changed our world in 1991. He gave us 2 legit to quit and it forever be known as a phrase that exemplifies when a person rises above the odds and succeeds amongst great adversity. Our winner more than deserves this. Sure, he doesnt blog as much as his partner, but the quality. ... the quality is high caliber. Sure he could stop blogging, but the fire in his heart and his belly pushes him along and he makes funny happen even when he only posts once a month. Thats why our winner is 2 legit to quit.
Winner: Jared Lui
"I Will Comment Anything I Want" award
This award is given to the person who best exemplifies the ability to consistently comment using one or fewer words. Much respect.
Winner: Jeremy Young
First Comment Ever Award
This award is given to the person who best exemplifies how to make the first comment on Congrats, you will go down in history.
Winner: Jeff Chan
"The Only Poet/Drummer-in-One Blogger that we know" Award
This award is given to the only poet/drummer-in-one blogger that we know.
winner: Jason Fei
Calvin of the year award
This award is given to the person who best exemplifies what it truly it means to be a person named Calvin in 2009. When you name your son (or daughter) Calvin, you have this person in mind.
Winner: Calvin Johnson (for his 12 touchdowns this season without a legit quarterback)
Infomercial of the year award
This award is given to the infomercial that best exemplifies unintentional comedy and public mocking for all of eternity.
Winner: The Snuggie
Most Loyal Blog Viewer in the Field of Excellence Award
This award is given to the person that best exemplifies commitment and loyalty in reading our blog in the field of excellence. Our blog is like a significant other to the winner. Amid the blog-cession, the winner "bailed us out" with multiple views on our blog every day by constantly clicking the refresh button. To you, we toast.
Winner: Mike Auyeung

Note: He's smiling because he just read our blog.
I won!
I'd like to thank my job.. for all the time in the world to constantly harass jared to make new posts
and there's only one thing left to do...
hit F5!
Actually, Jesus hasn't been redeeming humanity for 2008 years yet; his death was somewhere around 32 AD.
however, you'd think it's been for 2008 years (because of "AD"...).
i won i won! i'd like to give a big thanks to God... to my parents for always supporting my artistic endeavors... oh and my cat! I miss you, Tommy, and this is for you! RIP.
*sniff. kisses award, holds it up in triumph, skips off stage. comes back on*
oh and i really appreciate how the title of this award rhymes... "poet drummer.. in one blogger" yo!
nice, finally something to add onto my resume... w00tw00t
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