There are a lot of changes going on in the world today. For those who don't read the news, let us inform you.
Former Name: Sears Tower
New Name: Willis Tower

Yes, it's true, the tallest building in North America (no, it's not the Empire States Back Building), officially changed its name last Friday. It's pretty crazy that they would do this. Apparently the people that bought the building wouldn't lease out its space unless it was allowed to change the name. I think it's pretty bogus, because think of the billions of books, web pages, neurons in our brains that all state that the Sears Tower is largest tower in North America; they all have to be changed or replaced with the Willis Tower! I can already see this name being mocked:
"Whachu talkin' 'bout, Willis" Tower
"Will-he-Is" Tower (a Perez Hilton favorite!)

Former Name 1: Shawmut Center
Former Name 2: FleetCenter
Former Name 3: DerekJeterCenter (rejected, though)
Former Name 4: TD Banknorth Garden
New Name: TD Garden

The Garden has gone through many name changes over the years because the lack of a long-term corporate sponsor. However, now it goes through another change because TD Banknorth recently had a merger with another company. As much as the corporate sponsors think that having their name on a giant building in Boston will generate free publicity, I can't help but see TD and think "touchdown", not a bank. So nice try, back to the drawing board, TD advertising department. I think it would be better if a chicken company like "Three Hundred Eggs" bought the rights to the arena and called it "THE Garden" or "THE Arena". Think about how much money that would generate.
Contrived stupid person: Yeah, I'm going to Madison Square Garden tonight for the Knicks game.
Contrived Awesome person: Oh really? Well, I'm going to THE Garden tonight for the Celtics game.
Contrived stupid person: Dang, I just got owned in the
Former Name: Mix 98.5
New Name: Mix 104.1

Okay, this one is really weird for me. I've never put 98.5 with any other word than 'Mix'. It's because of Mix that I thought that the core body temperature was 98.5 for a long period in my life. But now Mix is taking over the station that was once WBCN. Now I must think of it in a way that is no longer related to my temperature (I'm not that hot). If Mix is moving to 104.1, what is moving to 98.5? It's going to be a sports talk station, yes, that's right, an FM sports station called the Sports Hub. The closest thing we ever got to an FM sports station was when WBCN 104.1 ("The Patriots Rock Radio Network") was broadcasting Patriots games, but in an ironic twist, that station is closing its doors for Mix. Anyway, remember to change your presets on August 12th or else you will hear people yelling about Tom Brady as opposed to Miley Cyrus yelling.