Tuesday, June 30, 2009

1 year anniversary

It's officially been a year since I started working. Time has sure flown by and I don't expect it to slow down anytime soon.

Q: How does it feel to be done with a year?
A: It feels so fast. I swear it was just a year ago, I was getting oriented to work.

Q: How does it not feel to be done with a year?
A: It doesn't feel slimy, and it also doesn't feel prickly either.

Q: Do you feel older?
A: I do feel older, but only because I'm aging just like everyone else in the world.

Q: Do you have any advice to those who are about to begin work?
A: Work hard and become friends with your co-workers.

Q: Should I go to grad school or should I start working? or should I do both? (scratches beard and hair)
A: Experience is always nice before grad school, but if you know definitely know what you want to be, I wouldn't stop you from going to grad school right out of college.

Q: Are the Celtics going to trade Rondo?
A: Um..maybe? I don't know.

Q: Is Brett Favre coming back to the NFL?
A: Okay, this interview is over.


mikey said...

aw my jared's all grown up... speeding AND worked 1 year!

Lulu Hu said...

"I do feel older, but only because I'm aging just like everyone else in the world."

Except this girl: