Thursday, October 1, 2009

who is funny?

most of the time people who know us say, you're funny. i'm not really sure that's true. i think we're just quick witted and have a broken mental filters. but maybe you're right maybe we are funny. it is entirely possible that we've come to a point in our lives where we understand humor and can express it.

it was Confucius that said, "a man with humor is like a hdtv with a blu-ray dvd player, y'all" and i agree. funny people are just better than serious people. we laugh more which actually makes our vocal chords stronger which makes our voice louder which makes our abs tighter. it's true. its called sonic abdominal muscular retention.

let's look at Arnold Schwarzenegger. he's got great abs. most people don't know this but he's pretty funny guy. look at his movies. kindergarten cop, jingle all the way, and pumping iron. and because of his humor he's able be governor of california. i know what youre thinking. youre thinking, 'do you mean to say that his funny movies boosted his popularity and got people to vote for him just because he was funny?" my response is yes but you're missing the real point, which is: his humor actually make him ABLE to BE governor. let me explain

see arnold is a robot that runs on humor. did you ever see the movie monsters inc? its actually based on the condition that arnold has. he was actually a consultant for the movie. remember how in the end they were operating of the laughter of children? that's what arnold has; he runs on the laughter of children. it's called juvenile jocularity dependence disorder or simply JJDD. he made these types of movies so that he could store up his humorous lifeforce. (its like that green stuff in ff7.)

so you're welcome governor Schwarzenegger, we will continue to working our hardest to support you and look forward to our blog continually giving you life.


Jeremy Young said...

I see that seminary is taking it's toll man... on your humor.

Jared said...

Calvin, don't listen to these naysayers. This is the same material we've been putting up since day 1. From a logical standpoint, if they found it funny back then, they should find it funny now.

mikey said...


Jeremy Young said...

keep on writing regardless for humor's sake!