Sunday, August 31, 2008

The effects of lying.

Lying is bad. If I learned anything from college, it is how bad lying can be. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like it could hurt anyone, but very quickly it can explode into an unbridled maelstrom of letdowns and failures.

It all starts with a small lie, you know, something harmless and controllable. After a comfort zone of control is reached, the lie suddenly becomes longer and the commitment to the lie strengthens. And then, without warning, the lie completely consumes the offender leaving them in anguish and distress in the mornings. The offender can’t help but to just sit there and ask “why?”. Friends may rebuke them and admonish them from doing it again. But this is quickly forgotten and the cycle continues without an end in sight.

So this post may leave you with a sour taste in your mouth; but it is my hope that learning from my past experiences, you will heed my advice and try not to lie so much. It affected me in college; I hope it won’t happen to you.

I leave you with a major tip to catch yourself from lying: Stay away from your bed when you write a 10-page paper due the next day. If you lie, you won't wake up.

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