The prostars was a cartoon that ran for one season (according to the interweb) it was based around bo jackson, michael jordan and wayne gretzky. they were the real voice actors too. they were amazing sports stars by day but by night they fought crime! i mean good thing too cause MJ was in chicago. the great one was from LA. and Bo split his time in both... rough cities.
lol i recall the show because I like ... well most kids my age, loved michael jordan. i dont remember much about the show except that they had a ton of corny lines like ... i remember distinctly wayne gretzky took out a hockey stick and hit some guy with it and he was like "5 minutes for high sticking"
clearly it didnt last long.
anyway here's the opening theme song.
hahaha... i've got to say, i don't remember this at all! which surprises me, because back in my youthful days my sister and i would tell time by tv shows. (yes, i know that is sad.)
haha it was a saturday morning cartoon so there were probably many options for you to watch, leaving our three athletic cartoon friends out of your memory.
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