the answer is #1 is true.
my stapler is a swingline 690e
and i eat chicken tenders regularly ... not this freaky breading first way.
now time for another round!
1. when i was a kid i was very quiet only talking to those i was very familiar with
2. when i was a kid i jumped out of a moving car and my mom accidentally ran over my foot
3. when i was a kid i hated milk because i drank it once while ate too much spaghetti and threw up
good luck!
the way the underwear is laid out, it looks like one giant underwear.
i think it's 2, it explains why you have that tire dent on your foot.
2 is true, it explains why you like to wear colroful shoes so people see them and won't run over your foot again
I think 1 is true
it's most definitely number 3.
Do I get a prize for being right?
i think the optimus prime underwear is true.
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