Monday, December 15, 2008

we can't be slacking when others are lacking

so semi-daily i will post 2 lies and a truth about myself. you can do guess if you wish.

1. when i was very young I had pair of underwear with optimus prime on them.
2. on my desk at work, i have an office depot stapler.
3. when i eat chicken tenders i eat the breading first.

good luck!


mikey said...

I think 1 is true and you still have those...

I think 2 is a lie because everyone knows staples is better

I think 3 is true cuz you're calvin

Ian said...

I agree with Mike.

mikey said...

correction: I think 3 is a lie cuz you're calvin


lins said...

Mike said two were truths and one was a lie... but Calvin blogged two lies and one truth. (and Ian agreed with Mike!) Oops. :)


I know Calvin does NOT eat the breading first as I have witnessed his eating the deliciousness that is the Chick-fil-A chicken strips. He did no such thing as separate breading from chicken.

And though I have been in Calvin's office before, I didn't get a good view of the stapler, so I am unsure of which one is the truth...

I will guess that item #1 is the truth.

Melody Lun said...

I think the stapler is the truth.

Because BU can't afford anything nice, and they will relegate the run-of-the-mill Office Depot stapler to the Assistant to the Director, who is indisputably deserving of a better stapler.

Maybe you should make your demands heard and request a high end stapler from Staples.

Unknown said...

#1 is a strong possibility, unless of course the truth is that it wasn't when he was very young that he had the underwear in question, but rather when he was older. Also a strong possibility.

#2 is also possible, but we all know that red Swingline staplers are the best. And if you have a job, you should be able to afford a proper stapler.

#3 can't be true because that's just gross.

My guess is #1 is true.

Jared said...

i think it is number 1, mostly because I want to see pictures.

sarah said...

Number 1: probably true
Number 2: hm well, I have no idea where my own stapler at work comes from...
Number 3: false..Calvin eats way too fast for such shannanegans =)

jerry said...

Going with Lindsey for #3 - a lie.

For #2... tricky. I'm inclined to think that this is the truth, because when you think "stapler", the first phrase that comes to mind isn't "office depot". more likely, it would be something like "Staples" or "Swingline" or "Boston". I include "Staples" because it sounds like stapler. I have a stapler from Staples. sounds contrived, doesn't it? #2 - the truth.

Following similar logic it is obvious that #1 is a lie as well. Unless the phrase "2 lies and a truth" is a lie, in which case, of the three statements, one is a lie, one is a truth, and one is a black hole at whose center lies a large sphere of NOTHING.

jerry said...

oh, #2 is a lie too. Calvin doesn't need stapler, he binds paper with the sheer force of his will.

D said...

lies!! all lies!!!!!!!!!

Jeff said...

i'm kind of hoping #1 is true... because i was thinking maybe, we can match or something

Dan said...

I think you always wanted Optimus Prime underwear, but never got any. I choose chicken fingers as the truth.