Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Say hi for me

Have you ever been on the phone and someone next to you says "tell them I said hi"? This is what I call the awkward "tell them I said hi", because it leads to this exchange:

Joe: Tell them I said hi.
Me: Joe says hi....
Moe: hi
Me: Moe says hi.... *awkward silence*

Although that's awkward, it's not as bad as the evil twin of awkward "tell them I said hi", I call it I'm too lazy to talk to them so you "tell them I said hi".

Here's the scenario:
You tell someone you are meeting so and so, and that someone will ask you to "tell them I said hi". I don't understand why I'm obligated to do this. If you really care, you'd go say hi yourself. And what am I supposed to do if so and so says "tell them I said I hi back"? Am I supposed to be the messenger for you? We live in a world with instant messages, text message and something called phone call (I know it's something foreign to us now); how did I become your carrier pigeon? Folks, don't fall into that trap! There is only one way to prevent this... I don't tell them you said hi. Take that, bad friend!

1 comment:

Mumbles and Grumbles said...

I do this often, not because I'm lazy though. If you're on the phone with a mutual friend & I hear and said friend knows I'm around then it's just like a "hey, I'm thinking of you, but I'm doing something else" type thing. Besides if someone else is talking to said friend then they don't want you to overtake their conversation. Or the maybe the person is really busy & you two just can't seem to catch each other so you tell someone who sees them often to say hi. Sheesh! Oh & no awkward silences when people ask me to do this. You're lazy Mikey!