Monday, July 11, 2011

why i am doomed with acne

I have pimples on my face. There are many steps I could take to prevent them such as washing my face everyday, using Biore strips, or shedding my face. However, there are some things that are just out of my control that contribute to my occasional acne problem.

1.) I scratch my head a lot.
After a full day of running around at work and writing blog posts, my hair can get pretty oily (almost to the point where it could be used as a light gel). Frequently, putting my fingers into my hair turn them into weapons of uncleanliness against my not-so-smooth face. Since my favorite activities are thinking (putting my hands on my chin), daydreaming (putting my fist against each cheek), and pretending to be Macaulay Culkin (Ahhhhh!!!), these oils tend to distribute on my face. But I have no plans to stop scratching my head, so oh well.

2.) My friends are ridiculous.
I have friends that say very funny things. Sometimes they say ridiculously stupid things that are so bad that it's good. It's so absurd that I have no choice but to react not with words, but with a silent gesture: the face palm (or do the Gordon Ramsay eye rub). If you combine reason 1 above with the fact that I work with Calvin on the blog everyday, it should not come to any surprise that my skin is not CoverGirl material. But I have no plans to stop writing a blog with Calvin, so oh well.

I suppose I could have better skin if I shaved my head and lived on an island, but I prefer things just the way they are.


mikey said...

I'm starting to think justin bieber stole your hairstyle...

christina said...

this post is so self-referential!

jchiu said...

where on earth did that picture of you and andy's terribad hair come from?!?!?!?!