Thursday, July 14, 2011

Team USA Strikes Back!

The Women's World Cup is surprisingly interesting this year. I still have goosebumps after watching the replay of the game tying goal against Brazil in the quarterfinals. After a win against France yesterday, the US has a date with Japan in the World Cup Finals. I haven't been this excited about women kicking balls since 1999. I actually don't know very much about the team this year, but I did some research on the Internet and here's what I came up with:

The star goalie, Hope Solo, daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia, was named after the first movie her father starred in. Hope is actually her middle name, she has since dropped her birth name, Anew. She is the first Jedi to be named on the US Woman's National Team since Mia Hammwalker.

Forward Abby "Flying" Wambach, known for her offensive prowess, prefers using her head instead of her feet to score goals, in order to preserve her great feet. She sometimes is referred to as "Wambacca" by her teammates, especially in her wookiee season. She is best friends with Hope Solo and they spend their vacation days smuggling heroes through Imperial blockades.

The Internet is so full of reliable and useful information, who needs encyclopedias? Go USA Go!


jchiu said...

as i've said before...
paper, so 2000 and late.

mikey said...

so what does that make Nomaaaah?