My character's name was Ben Lee and I was the only Asian kid at Capeside High. I was actually going to be a non-stereotypical Asian boy with blond hair. In fact, a subplot written for me was that I was Joey's ex-boyfriend, but I turned it down because at the time I didn't know that Joey was actually a girl. Unfortunately, the execs later cut me out after my Christian Bale-like tirade over not having enough red M&Ms in my trailer and I never finished filming the pilot. Later on, they burned down my trailer and all footage containing me and they re-shot the pilot without me. I did manage to salvage a photo as I was escaping my burning trailer. Here is the picture if you're interested.
This was the original promo photo. (They photoshopped my hair back to black to lure in the teen Asian-American demographic.)

They actually tried bringing me back in for a few episodes to launch a spin-off called "Young Americans," but due to creative differences (I wanted to call the show "Young ABCs") and lack of red M&Ms, I left the show, this time on my own terms and they changed my character from Ben Lee to Will Krudski. So now that you all know my deepest darkest secret, I think it's time for us to play some foosball.
you're awfully close to katie holmes there...
Nice try Jared.
We all know that the Secret Life of this chinese-American pre-Teenager wasn't your So-Called Life as an actor in Dawson's Creek, but as an actor in DEGRASSI JUNIOR HIGH! Here you are, front and center, cracking jokes:
-Gossip Girl
wow, i had no idea about any of this stuff!
the secret almost leaked when i took katie holmes to the prom. but i wore a batman mask so no one actually knew who brought her as a date.
¡que misterioso!
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