Now that Steve Jobs has announced his leave of absence, what will happen to Apple? Here's what we predict could happen without the Apple Commander-in-Chief:
- They rename the company Banana
- They allow Cydia onto the App Store
- They start making rainbow colored products (again)
- They develop a new Fox show called "When iPod commercial silhouettes attack"
- They buy the
New JerseyBrooklyn Nets and move them to Cupertino - They start disclosing exactly when their products will be released and what features to expect
- They create and heavily market a limited edition left-handed iPhone, which comes out 9 months after the right-handed model
- They make the iPhone completely out of lead which causes Antenna-gate 2 and Poison-gate 1
- They begin selling iEye, a pirate-themed iSight
- They begin releasing all future product prototypes at local bars
- They introduce a 20-inch tablet called the iPad Maxi
- The universe blows up
google will buy them out
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