Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What could go wrong?

Now that Steve Jobs has announced his leave of absence, what will happen to Apple? Here's what we predict could happen without the Apple Commander-in-Chief:

  • They rename the company Banana
  • They allow Cydia onto the App Store
  • They start making rainbow colored products (again)
  • They develop a new Fox show called "When iPod commercial silhouettes attack"
  • They buy the New Jersey Brooklyn Nets and move them to Cupertino
  • They start disclosing exactly when their products will be released and what features to expect
  • They create and heavily market a limited edition left-handed iPhone, which comes out 9 months after the right-handed model
  • They make the iPhone completely out of lead which causes Antenna-gate 2 and Poison-gate 1
  • They begin selling iEye, a pirate-themed iSight
  • They begin releasing all future product prototypes at local bars
  • They introduce a 20-inch tablet called the iPad Maxi
  • The universe blows up


Dan said...

mikey said...

google will buy them out