It's time for another idea on spreading out our FHS wings into the TV world.
Another idea we had was if we had made a sitcom. We've watched a lot of sitcoms and we've noticed two trends that all of them fall into. We will make a show that is wildly successful for one or two seasons and will be so creative that we get cancelled (a la Arrested Development) or lose so much creativity, that we get signed on for ten more seasons a la The Office [sorry everyone, it's true. Just let it go.])
So the premise of the pilot would be that we're both orphans who do not know each other but due to the forces of the UNIVERSE we end up getting in a fight over a McRib sandwich. We happen to be in front of this affluent family who try to break the fight up, but the cops arrive and arrest all of us. While in holding, we talk and we share about the struggles we've experienced and it warms the hearts of the family (and the audience). So they decide to adopt us.
Familiar themes:
Me being nervous about who I'll take to prom. "I don't know, mom, do you think she'll say yes?"
Jared getting peer pressure to do drugs. "I'm not a chicken you're a turkey!"
Me struggling to get adjusted to being in my new family. "You'll never be my father!"
Jared worrying about someone who has self-esteem issues. "I think you are good just the way you are, Calvin."
Sounds familiar I know, but there are two major plot twists. We will be our current ages of 24 and 46 AND the cliffhanger for the end of season 1 will be that we're actually biological brothers!
I mean it practically writes itself, spinoffs and all.
You're welcome, America.
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