Tuesday, October 28, 2008

3 days away from the end.

good morning everyone.

the end is near. blogtober will soon be over. our fanbase will cry (hi mrs. lui.) . the rest of the world will rejoice and fire bullets in the the sky in celebration.

it was a roller coaster of a month. kind of like one of those little kid roller coasters that you just ride on because your little brother or cousin wants to ride on it and needs supervision. next month we will go back to our normal format of posting about whatever... kind of like this month. but perhaps we will post more often [calvin nudges jared via the internet] [jared punches calvin via voip] [dial up connection lost.]


Jessica said...

wowww. when I first read this, I was like, why you gotta be talking about my momma?

c said...

hahhaa. yo momma!