Friday, October 31, 2008

What I learned during blogtober

so now that we're in the last day of blogtober i think it'd be nice to just recap what we've learned about ourselves and our world.

with 31 days of blogging, we've accomplished nothing. Not even a full 31 days ... we have like ... 5 posts. maybe we made some of you chuckle. so failure in blogging is like failure in politics. when the dust settles everyone just feels bad. we thought it was a good idea, but life, as usual, got in the way, but i digress. most importantly what did we learn?
  • we learned how we can compare everything we learned to politics
  • we learned how to avoid answering a question, just like real politicians
  • we learned we can vote however we like.
  • we learned that we only care about our readers every four years
  • we learned that pedroia and machop are the same
  • we learned that some of you like asking questions
  • we learned that some of you stopped reading our blog
  • we learned that some of you think mary jane watson should be legalized in the US
  • we learned that jared will never get a wii
  • we learned that the joker got an 1793 on the SATs
  • we learned that after a heated discussion, crumbling is superior to folding
  • we learned the the worst job is assistant to the chairman at the bu dept of pt/at
  • we learned that farting in public is an art and should never ever be laughed at
  • we learned that i love talkin to myself in my head
  • we learned that you are good at reading, yes you you are!
  • we learned that november will probably be better than october.

1 comment:

Jeremy Young said...

we learned that jared and calvin spend a lot more time updating their status messages than their blog