Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Inspired by Writer's Block

Have you guys ever had writer's block? It is probably the hardest thing to deal with as a blog writer. You think and you think about ideas and you start to write anything down. Here are some examples of our cutting room floor
  • akaka: aka known as
  • stuff chinese people like: 1. saving money
we might come around to use these ideas, but they are dry. sometimes i'll just come up with ideas on the spot. lets see....
  • The true reason things are more expensive today than years past.
  • an analysis of a standard bachelor's bathroom floor
  • the scariest part of owning a computer
and so on. these could be great ideas, but they could also be terrible. most likely somewhere in between terrible and awful. oh there's another idea, a grading scale of blog posts. hmm

that has potential.

we just gotta keep fighting through it.


Jessica said...

PLEASE write about aka known as. DOLLAR MENU MILLIONAIRE

Jeremy Young said...

write about all the things one could do if one won a million dollars. from practical to fantastical.