Thursday, March 24, 2011

What's in a name? Part 2: Better than Ezra

Ok Round two. Round one was yesterday, just in case you missed it, which is likely because you were too busy. Go back and find it. Now. Right now, then come back. I can wait. Ok, welcome back.

N - Nebuchadnezzar
Good luck spelling this name correctly.

O - Orpah
People will think you misspelled Oprah, when it was, in fact, the other way around.)

P - Pharisee
They might grow up to be a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, but they're gonna be a bummer to hang with on Sundays.

Q - Quartus
Yes, 4 people named like this would make a Gallonus.

R - Rehoboam
Another bad king. You don't want them to go to rehob. Pun.

S - Satan
Come on now, do we really need to explain this? I guess if HE likes double hockey sticks.

T - Timon
One of the first deacons, but may be mistaken for a Meerkat.

U - Uz
He will get called the Wizard of Uz or Mr. potato chips (Utz)...fine it's a stretch.

V - Vashni
Your kid will always have vashed knees. Pun...Ok C'mon this is pretty hard.

W - Whatever you come up with your own names...judgin' me.

X - Xena
We couldn't find a Biblical name that started with X.

Y - Yosiahu
Josiah in Hebrew, but I'm Chinese.

Z - Zacchaeus
He probably won't be taking his talents to South Beach.

So ... that's it ... so, what's new with you? ... Forget it, I'm outta here. Never gonna post again...


Anonymous said...

for a long time i actually thought the name orpah was pretty cool =\ but i guess at this day and age when google asks me "did you mean oprah"? it would be a hard life being named orpah.

Jared said...

i basically left calvin with the crappy letters.

lins said...

Ezra is a nice name. Thanks for the amusement.

mikey said...

does the band think they're better than ezra?