Friday, April 8, 2011

FHS Advice #1

We recently got a letter from an anonymous reader asking if we could post some advice. We thought that was a great idea. We're ashamed we hadn't thought of it before. So thanks reader!
Here's the text of the letter:
Dear FHS,

I am getting married this weekend and I was wondering if you had any tips or advice that I should keep in mind for the day? Anything will be helpful. Your blog is awesomely funny and I read it everyday.

Your Pal,

Bro-in' to the Chapel
Well first of all, thanks for reading. We try working pretty hard to bring a small blip of joy to our readers' days so it means a lot when people let us know that they think we're doing a good job. :) Anyway, we don't know how qualified we are as neither one of us is married, but to the advice!
  1. Make sure to go to the bathroom before your ceremony begins
  2. Wear clean underwear. You'll feel fresher and the wedding party may thank you for it.
  3. Do not eat chili on the night before your wedding. Just don't do it.
  4. If you hear a funny noise when you're in front of everyone, it was the floorboards. Trust me.
  5. If you need to pass gas, don't do it when music is playing. Sound can't block scent.
  6. If all else fails, just wear a brown suit.
We hope this advice is helpful. Just remember to pace yourself, you don't want to poop yourself out before the cake is even cut! And most importantly, this is your big day, one that you and your spouse-to-be have worked hard to plan, so just enjoy and savor it.




lins said...

excellent advice! it may come in handy in the future.

mikey said...

what about advice for the bride? *ahem* ^^

Jared said...

it all applies to the bride too. except for the suit part. brown dress.

Dan said...

#5, pass gas when the flower girl walks down the aisle. That's your only chance. (my word verification is "sinvul"... I wonder if that implies anything)