Some of the world's greatest philosophers have wrestled with what the world would be like if the Bible was written in our lifetime. Indeed I too have many questions in regards to this conundrum.
WWJD? (What would Jesus do?) How would Jesus have interacted with the general public? Who would He have hung out with and who would He have rebuked? Who would He have healed?
WWJHCTBH12A? (Who would Jesus have chosen to be His Twelve Apostles?) What would the occupations of them have been? How would they have been persecuted? What kind of bread would they have broken?
These deep questions will never have concrete answers, but one question I have does and that is by far the deepest question regarding this topic: How would it have affected the band names of the era?
Let's take a look at some key examples:
Savage Garden of EdenThese are just some of the bands, which ones have you discovered? Comment below!
Nat King David
Middle East Movement
Kid Cephas
Jonah and the Blowfish
George Clinton and the Sanhedrin Funkadelic
The Mighty Mighty Philistones
John Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch
Better Than Nehemiah
The Rolling Tombstones
The I Am (The Who)
The Jackson Pentateuch
Joseph's Brothers
Wu Tang Kinsmen
i laughed at the last one. well done
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